Calamba Moshav

The Calamba Moshav is designed using Permaculture principles, which is centered on whole systems thinking utilizing patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems. Using these principles, the planned community can live in harmony with nature. All loops are closed and will require minimum inputs from the outside. Our hope is to create not only a self sustaining community, but one that can also regenerate the area.

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This pandemic will bring forth unknown economic challenges. Our government has failed to act timely and appropriately to deal with the pandemic. They do not provide us the confidence to bounce back economically. We are already slowly feeling the impact but are uncertain of what is yet to unfold.

Yet, we cannot simply give up. To rely completely on our government is to leave us helpless and hopeless. We must figure out and pave our own way as we always have.

To that end, Fabtech Group of Companies is planning to build Calamba Moshav, a self-sustaining coop development. Our aim with this new development is to provide our employees a safe environment where everyone knows each other and any potential outbreaks are easy to track and isolate.

The Moshav also offers our team members more opportunities for potential additional income through agriculture and other food products.They can also earn by working part time at the different amenities within the community.

We want to develop a community that once again goes back to our foundation as a society. What is a society? What was the purpose of coming together? The Calamba Moshav community will be grounded on the basis of sharing and bayanihan.

Because of this concept of sharing, we can access more with a lot less. Members of Calamba Moshav will have access to amenities that include a dining hall, library, gym, daycare, and more. We aim to provide all members with equal access to fulfill their wellness.

For our new and existing businesses, this means that we can continuously operate with staff that are healthy and more fulfilled. Businesses are only as good as the team members that run it.

The masterplan is designed based on the concept of sharing and Permaculture wherein all things work harmoniously together with minimal inputs. Permaculture systems thinking and design principles allows us to maximize our resources by thinking of multi purpose elements and how they interact with one another to produce optimal results.

In times of crisis, we must go back to our roots such as sharing and agriculture. These are time tested values and practices that have proven to be sustainable
