
Our revolutionary healthcare system. Equitable quality wellness for all.

Docking System

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The EqualiWell Healthcare system has the unique ability to connect all health assets using the EqualiWell Mobile Units (EMUs) as conduits. This is possible due to the EqualiWell Docking System which simply attaches to any existing healthcare facility. This not only makes it easier to adapt existing healthcare systems but also adds much needed additional primary care functions.


EMU’s are unloaded from vehicles using cranes. The units are lowered to a rail system with rollers to ensure a tight fit. Once in place, the folding walls of the EMU’s synchronize with the folding walls of the EqualiWell Docking System to open simultaneously. As soon as both are open, the EMU acts like a normal hospital room in a standard hospital wing. Furthermore, the docked unit is then replenished using plug and play connections for electricity and water. Solid waste and dirty water are then flushed from the EMU. This is important for maintaining hygiene throughout the EMU’s cycles.

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